

“Skills for Jira” comes with a basic Skill Tree out of the box, to get you started quickly without spending time on filling in common skills like programming languages or software tools.

Controlling Skill Tree granularity

Global skill configuration

Global configuration is the place where you manage all skills relevant for your organization. These are the skills that you assign to your team members and that are automatically kept in sync between Users and “Skillset” fields.

All your product-specific skills must be included in your Global skill tree. You can then filter the skills relevant for a specific project or custom field.

This way the admin console is the single place to manage your skills and users' qualifications.

You can delete any category or skill in the global skill tree without worrying about accidental data loss. Issue and User skill mappings will be updated in 24h, unless you undo the deletion by restoring deleted skills from an Export or simply re-adding them with the same names.

Deleting skills from the global skill tree affects all projects and custom field contexts.

Project-specific skill configuration

Not yet available for Jira Data Center

Custom Field Context-level skill configuration

Not yet available for Jira Data Center


The ability to import/export your skill tree can help you with safe experimentation. Instead of using the UI, the Import feature enables you create your skill tree in JSON format, allowing you to store it in source control.

You can also reset your skill tree to a default configuration, benefiting from new skills rolled out by “Skills for Jira” overtime.

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