Expert Finder

Expert Finder

Expert Finder is a skill discoverability tool that allows anyone in your organization to easily find the colleagues they need based on the combination of skills and knowledge they require. 

Administrator can restrict access to Expert Finder to selected user groups

How to find SMEs with Expert Finder?

Exploring the Skill Graph

You can explore the skill graph by clicking and expanding categories and skills. This way you can quickly find the right people even if you don’t know the exact name of the skill or are not sure which of the available skills might fit your needs.


Searching people by a combination of skills, knowledge or responsibilities

When picking a team for an upcoming project, figuring out how to approach a particularly tricky problem or seeking authorization from someone with both the required authority and knowledge, you may want to search for experts versed in a particular combination of skills:

Viewing skill gaps

Finding experts is great, but learning who can become an expert and what it will take for them to get there can be just is important. With “Show skill gaps” option enabled, in addition to experts who possess all the desired skills you will also see partially qualified team members and can visualize skill gaps by hovering over users or skills:

Expert Finder allows you to export the found users to CSV. For each user, the CSV will include all skills that the user lacks from the desired skill set. As well as all the desired skills that they possess.

Viewing user’s skill set

Sometimes you need (or simply want) to inspect the skill set of one of your colleagues. Maybe to make sure they are a good match for an opportunity, to offer advice about the next thing to learn, or to get some inspiration in laying down your own learning path:

Viewing group’s skills

When working on training or hiring programs, inspecting each individual person may be too much overhead. Sometimes you might want to see what your entire team or department are capable of:

How to see experts qualified for the task?

What about the times when you need specific skills to deal with a task or an issue?  

“Skillset” Fields work alongside Expert Finder, allowing you to specify skill requirements for your tasks. “Skillset” enables you to see the experts qualified for a task directly on your issue screen, as well as reference them in JQL queries, workflows or automation.


As you continue learning about Skills for Jira, you will learn how “Skillset” fields are integrated into the other Skills for Jira features, allowing you to easily and automatically distribute tasks with Self-Service Assignments, run Delivery Simulation , or perform Risk Analysis .

You can learn more about “Skillset” fields and how to configure them here: Skillset Fields

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