Delivery Simulation

Delivery Simulation

How will my project fare with this team?

Once your organization adopts one-click Self-Service Assignments, work distribution process becomes objective and relatively deterministic. Skills for Jira helps you take advantage of this in your project planning by answering questions like: “How would my project fare with this team? Is my team well utilized?”

Simulate upcoming assignments at any time and see an objective data-based forecast into what happens if tasks from your configured work queues are distributed automatically and delivered by team members on time.


Simulation helps you estimate your current or upcoming project’s health, experiment with team composition or task breakdown to ensure the success of the project before it even starts.

Re-running Simulation every once in a while or after making changes to the project backlog or team composition can help stakeholders make sure that the team is on-track and focused on the meaningful and impactful work or act early to avoid inefficiency.


Simulation helps you quickly estimate the health of your project, spotting idle time, delivery delays or roadblocks:


Timeline shows you visualized workload dynamics for each team member over the course of the simulation period:

Timeline is especially useful for project managers and team leads who need to plan ahead or make changes on the go, making sure the backlog is healthy and sufficient and the team is well assembled and well utilized.


Paraphrasing the famous quote, a team can only deliver as fast as the busiest member. Knowing who on your team has backlog up until next November and who is scrambling for tasks, waiting for blockers to be resolved or tasks with matching skill requirements to come up, can help you make better decisions about how to design your backlog and team training, keeping your team happy and productive:

You will see each team member's forecasted contribution throught the period as well as the specific skill sets that make them valuable for this particular project.

Seeing alternative experts for each relevant skill set, who can pick up the ball if the asisgnee is unavailable, will help you keep track of project safety at the face of the unexpected.


Some of the tasks may simply not be deliverable given the current skill requirements, team composition or unresolved dependencies. Spotting such tasks in a large project may be tricky due to elusive blockers: from outdated issue links to experts not being assigned to the respective work queues or preassigned users changing teams or roles.

Simulation will help you spot such tasks and keep them on the radar or act early, eliminating the obstacles:

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