Delivery Analytics

Delivery Analytics

Delivery Analytics is only available in Skills for Jira Enterprise edition.

With skills and work queues set up and assignments left to automation, you can anticipate what happens if the remaining tasks are pulled and completed on estimate.

Delivery Report helps you monitor how work is progressing across your work queues.

It measures how your pipeline has performed up until now and how it's going to perform going forward.

The report includes standard Kanban KPIs like Throughput, Cycle Time and WIP, as well as special self-service metrics such as Blocked Tasks, Team Workload and Knowledge Risks.

Throughput - number of tasks completed over the period.
This metric relies on “Completed” statuses specified in every queue configuration

Unfinished Tasks - tasks that have left the queue throughput the period
”Left the queue” means that they have not been successfully completed and are no longer In Progress or available for pulling.

Blocked Tasks - tasks that can not be pulled due to various reasons such as “no experts”, “preassigned user missing”, “no users in queue” or “unresolved external dependencies”

Burndown Chart - a graphical representation of work left to do versus time

Lead Time - average time from creation to completion across all tasks completed throughout the period

Cycle Time - average time from work start to completion across all tasks completed throughout the period

Overdue - total time by which tasks went over the estimate throughout the period

Cumulative Flow Diagram - a graphical representation of how tasks are progressing from to-do to done.
A cumulative flow diagram's job is to make it easy for your team to spot when something in your process or project isn't working correctly. Ideally, all of the sections of your diagram should be rising smoothly together — almost parallel with one another. If you see a sudden jump or dip, that indicates an issue with your process (learn more)


Timeline visualizes all assignments - both past and anticipated based on work queues and available experts - on a single visual timeline.


Here you can see all users who have worked or will work on tasks from your work queues throughout the period. You will see which of their skill sets are actively utilized in past and future assignments as well as other team members who have the expertise and access to take their place.

Skill sets

Issues at risk

Critical experts

Blocked tasks

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