Max length of every string (e.g. keys, descriptions) is limited to 100 characters
Strings starting or ending with whitespace are not allowed
Get user skills
Returns all skills of the specified user.
HTTP Method: GET
accountId (query) The account ID of the user. Required
Response [JSON]:
skills: An array of all skill names that the user has expertise in
Adds one or more of skills to the specified user.
HTTP Method: PUT
accountId (query) The account ID of the user. Required
skills (body): An array of skills to add. Required
Response [JSON]:
added: An array of skills that were successfully added
existing: An array of skills that the user already had
Removes one or more skills from the specified user.
accountId (query) The account ID of the user. Required
skills (body): An array of skills to remove. Required
Response [JSON]:
removed: An array of user’s skills that were successfully deleted
missing: An array of skills that the user did not possess
Returns the mapping of all experts and their skills in your Jira instance
HTTP Method: GET
Request: None
Response [JSON]:
skillsByAccountId: users / skills mapping
Updates skill sets of multiple users at once
skillsByAccountId: users / skills mapping
Response [JSON]:\
changes: all user skill changes after the import is processed
Returns the complete skill tree with a list of experts specified for each skill
HTTP Method: GET
Request: None
Response [JSON]:
experts: skill tree with a list of experts specified for each skill