

Replacing the direct links between Issues and Users with the skills “currency”, allows us to view Issues and their skill requirements as “Demand” and Users and their skills as “Supply”. This simple abstraction adds a whole new dimension to your analytics - insights obtained from matching Supply and Demand can power your planning and decision-making on both fronts.

You can now accurately estimate the demand for expertise ad-hoc, and match it with your team skills supply. The Analytics dashboard will highlight the gaps, powering your HR decisions, be it training, hiring, documentation, or teams reorganization. You can use it to analyze past, present, or future demand, an entire organization or a specific project or feature, or even scope it to a particular user or user group via JQL.





You can review a summary of skills required by the scoped issues (across all “Skillset” fields). You can see how heavily utilized the skill is and how scarce it is in your team. This knowledge can help you plan staffing, training, and team compositions.

Scarce skillsets

Real life assignments rarely require just one skill. While individual skills might be common in your team, the combinations might be rare (e.g. you might have a pool of software architects, but only few of them are proficient with AWS). This report examines your team skill pool for the skill combinations in demand by the scoped issues.

Issues at risk

This report helps you identify those of the scoped issues for which your current team lacks expertise. You can use this information to:

  • Prioritize tasks

  • Plan your training program

  • Document scarce knowledge

  • Hire missing expertise

    • Allows you to be very specific with your hiring criteria

Expertise bottlenecks

This report helps you identify team members that hold exclusive knowledge/skills within your team. Depending on the type of knowledge, this may become a problem. For example in cases of critical bits of product knowledge or technical expertise required to maintain/develop core parts of the product. Similarly to other sections, this information may be used for knowledge transfer, training, documentation, or hiring decisions.


The initial release of “Skills for Jira” introduces basic analytic capabilities for identifying skill scarcity for a given JQL query. This covers the basic needs, however there is so much more that can be learned through the skills abstraction.

For example, including issue start/due dates into the analytics equation would help identify bottlenecks that would manifest at some point of the project’s lifetime, giving you time to prepare or an opportunity to re-prioritize tasks to avoid conflicting use of scarce resources.

We have much more in store for the future releases. Please feel free to share your needs and ideas with our Support.